I've learned one very important thing about myself since moving. Writing is therapeutic to me. It's something I do a lot of when I'm stressed. Stress isn't something I've felt a lot of since moving. There have been some minor things since moving, but most of it I've just chalked up to feeling things out.
Instead Avery and I have been settling into new routines in new places. We've been adapting to living in a house with other people instead of just being the two of us. We've imposed new rules and done away with pull ups. Y'all my baby girl is now in panties 24/7. How did THAT happen?
But, we've had a lot of fun. There have been photoshoots, and trips to the park, and walks, and sidewalk chalk, and bubbles.
I haven't forgot you and I still love you. I'm working on my new daily routine here and working on fitting in at a new job. Avery has had her growing pains too. She learned that it ISN'T ok to push her cousin off the couch. Just bear with me as we figure things out.
But now to answer your questions:
Jamie: You might have to share my bed, but sure you can stay with me! ;)
AuntBT: My sister and brother-in-law live in Hawaii. I came out in March with my mom for a visit to see my new niece. They asked me if Avery and I would like to move out here. The answer was obvious. Eight weeks later Avery and I were on a one way flight to Honolulu.

This ok? ;)
Eileen: Sister and brother said "Wanna live in Hawaii with us?" I said "Uh, duh". The End. I did have a job before I moved here. I was blessed with TWO job offers before I set foot on the island. It definitley made me thankful for my career and the flexibility it allows. I AM loving being with my family everyday. I was always closest to my sister growing up and it's so nice to be close to her again. Hawaii is beautiful. I still catch myself taking in all the scenery. The culture is taking a lot to get used to, I'm still not accustomed. The baby is AMAZING. She thinks her Aunt Jen is hilarious and I adore her snuggles. Avery knows there is a park and beach less than 5 minutes from the house so she LOVES it. Everyone can come visit! I wish someone would! I'll get a hotel in Waikiki.
See! Hawaiian countryside. Amazing.

Beach (camera phone...still equally beautiful)

And the two cutest little girls on the island.