Just got home from Labor and Delivery...again. I thought I was leaking fluid and went to the doctor to get checked. I'm not leaking but since I mentioned that I was also contracting they wanted me to get a non-stress test. When she checked me she said I was 1cm and 25% effaced. I was on the monitor for about 10 minutes and had 4 contractions. They sent me to L&D to be monitored for longer. They gave me 3 liters total of IV fluid to see if that would slow down the contractions. They were still coming every 3 minutes. I'm able to talk through them. Still only 1 cm. The resident told me that at this point they would not stop my labor even though I'm only 35 1/2 weeks. So they gave me the choice to go home and come back when/if they get worse or to stay there overnight for monitoring. I chose home. I went there straight from work and only had my stinky scrubs on and nothing else.
So far they are still the same. I'm going to take a hot shower and make sure my bag is packed in case that changes overnight. I'm hoping that they decide to just go away for a week or so. If they don't, I guess you will all know soon enough!
Love you all!
4 hours ago