I have little energy to do anything lately. I have my good days (like Saturday, Saturday was a good day) but as a general rule I'm beat down. My house is in the worse shape it's ever been in. I know there are a number of contributing factors: night shift, I'm not on my thyroid medication, I gained 20lbs after I stopped breastfeeding, etc. Many of these are in my control.
It's time for a change.
I went to the doctor Friday to start my medication for my thyroid again. The prescription is at the drug store to be picked up. My levels will be closely monitored over the next several months while I restart the medication. It's possible that my previous dose is no longer effective.
There is little I can do about my job right now. I'm trying to get on more of a set schedule so I work similar days a week or every few weeks when including weekends. The fact remains that I cannot afford to go to day shift right now. The increase in pay for working night shift is what makes us not have to stretch from paycheck to paycheck. I have been told of other opportunities that I am considering that would be an increase in pay. I love the people I work with and I like my job, but this is for me and my family. I need to make something work. For now, I'm hoping the more set schedule will help do the trick.
And lastly, about the weight. The medication will help kick start my metabolism. IT HAS FINALLY BEEN NICE OUTSIDE! I've got a YMCA pass now. I brought Avery's wagon over from my parents for walks. And of course....
Oh, Jillian Michaels, be kind to me. Don't be mistaken. I don't expect to actually lose 20lbs in 30 days. 1lb would be a victory in my book. The point is to get me motivated. To not only exercise but have the motivation and energy throughout the day to get things done.
But for now, I'll sit here and sip some coffee and pick up the house while the babe naps. We're going outside as soon as she wakes up! My thermometer is telling me it's in the 60s outside! It's sunny and beautiful. Obviously there will be picture taking involved.
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